Calaveras y Rosas
Calaveras y Rosas
Buen lunes para todos! En esta clase nuestra artista invitada desde Peru Lourdes Llanos nos enseñera paso a paso como diseñar un mezcla de calaveras y rosas para lograr una pieza unica, mas teniendo cuenta la cercania de halloween. Estas tecnicas mostradas son unicas en su estilo. No dejes de aprender hoy la carrera del futuro! SUBSCRIBITE YA!
Products Used
For your convenience each artist has a class page on Silly Farm Supplies where you can view all the products used in their classes and help you choose the products you want and need. Each FabaTV artist also wanted to share with you some of their most useful tips and tricks as well as free tutorials to give you inspiration throughout the year. You can find these free videos in the FabaTV Tutorials section.
