Pretty Creepy
Pretty Creepy
In this class, Deidre MacDonald will demonstrate the proper way to adhere a prosthetic to the neck, how to remove, and how to rebuild the edges for re-use. Deidre will also show how to apply the prosthetic, airbrush the makeup on to the face and how to add blood to the neck wounds and eyes. She will take you through another great haunt design, the zippered eye. This class is great for beginners. You are guaranteed to learn tons so that you can produce your own designs and impress the crowd at your next gig.
Products Used
For your convenience each artist has a class page on Silly Farm Supplies where you can view all the products used in their classes and help you choose the products you want and need. Each FabaTV artist also wanted to share with you some of their most useful tips and tricks as well as free tutorials to give you inspiration throughout the year. You can find these free videos in the FabaTV Tutorials section.

Hello. I have a question, I wanted to know, if those are vampire teeth, can the blood just be applied on the holes? I was wondering because I have a client that is requesting me that for Halloween but I just don't want the prosthetic to look so fake...Does the blood around it have the purpose to cover that? Thanks! I love SFX!
Good job! I hope Petrilude on YouTube was well-compensated for his idea. =)
I love it!!!!